Green Game Jam 24 aims to engage one million gamers in doable actions for the planet

Green Game Jam 24 aims to engage one million gamers in doable actions for the planet

The videogaming industry has set itself the challenge to rally one million players to participate in doable actions to benefit the planet and progress the gaming sector’s own stance against the climate crisis.

The campaign will be launched as part of next year’s Green Game Jam, an annual movement organised by the UN-backed Playing for the Planet in collaboration with Games for Good.

Each year, gaming studios are challenged to implement green activations in their games which can be anything ranging from a time-limited event, character, or storyline to a marketing campaign which highlights an environmental theme.

Over the last four years, 120 games have participated in the Green Game Jam with campaigns launched to protect forests, oceans, and wildlife as well a plant over 2.5 million trees with support from players all over the world.

For its fifth edition of the initiative, however, Green Game Jam is asking studios and players to learn by doing and become part of a positive Chain Reaction for the planet.

“Rather than focusing on donations or raising funds, this year will all be about rallying player communities to take doable actions which collectively create the momentum for big impact,” read a statement from Playing for the Planet.

“Just like in games, one action leads to the next, we level up with a sense of progression as long as the threshold for the next action isn’t too high. We are not looking for perfect actions, but progressive ones. If we wait until we think we have the perfect solution, it will likely be too late.”

With a reach of over 3 billion gamers worldwide, the gaming industry has the opportunity to lead conversation and tackle some of the biggest environmental challenges being faced today. T

o bring its community in on the journey, Playing for the Planet has created a Green Game Jam 24 starter kit for players to find out how they can take small actions that lead to big impact.

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