While the complexities surrounding the UK’s Extended Producer Responsibility scheme are still very much up for debate, what is for certain is that – when it finally lands – its reverberations across the UK’s brands and retail sectors will be seismic.
Owing to some of the most recent government activity surrounding the scheme and the delayed implementation of its fee structure until 2025, it is unlikely that brands or retailers will have a clear-cut view of the financial impact until the opening night of the show.
We are, however, armed with enough information to take action now. We know that the new data reporting regulations now apply to large organisations with an annual turnover of more than £1 million and handling more than 25 tonnes of packaging per year. We also know that producers of that packaging are now required to collect and report on the activity, type, class, material, and weight of their packaging.
We also know that the first deadline for reporting that data was in fact October 1, 2023.
The matter stands as this. If you’re not already seriously looking at your packaging, and more crucial still, your packaging data… well, the truth is you’re already behind.
Don’t panic, it doesn’t mean you’re too late. But minimising the costs associated with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) does mean acting now. Because, yes, the impact will be massive.
Where before, UK brands and retailers historically reported on their packaging data perhaps once a year, EPR will require far more regular checking in. With it will also come the expectation of brands and retailers to make significant sustainable changes to that packaging… or face some rather significant financial penalties.
We can also reasonably anticipate that, cometh the hour, the surge in demand for ‘sustainable materials’ such as recyclable alternatives or post-consumer recyclate, will be inevitable.
Of course, there are a myriad other factors that contribute to the EPR cacophony. It’s expected, for instance, that EPR fees will overshadow current Packaging Recovery Notes (PRNs) that prove material has been recycled by anything between 8 to 12 times as high. It’s also noted that EPR reporting includes ‘tonnage’ as well as types of packaging materials. Let’s not beat around the bush, EPR is here to turn the current packaging landscape on its head, never mind ruffle a few feathers.
Then there’s the little matter that brands selling across multiple regions will be impacted inconsistent rules and regulations across countries. The reasons to start taking note go on…
But Products of Change is here to help
With every reason to start taking action now, Products of Change is here to help. The POC Live Packaging Workshop is making its return for 2024, taking place on Thursday, March 21st at the Informa Markets Offices in London and will set about arming you with as much insight and information – as well as new tools for packaging design and creative – as we can possibly share.
Following its successful debut in March last year, the Packaging Workshop will once again be led by Products of Change’s ambassador for packaging and material innovation, Mike Swain as he takes attendees on a deep dive into the creative processes of producing more sustainable packaging.
Attendees will also be armed with up-to-the-minute insight and information on the latest in packaging legislation, delivered over the course of the Workshop’s half-day introductory online session and full-day in-person session. Tickets for the Live Packaging Workshop are available now.
Packaging Design for the Circular Economy
After a triumphant launch last year, the Workshop will see Mike joined by Products of Change’s Ambassador for the Circular Economy and Advisor, James George as well as university lecturer and packaging guru, Richard Coles. Together, the trio will deliver a day-long session that tackles all areas of packaging including designing for recyclability, moving towards a circular economy for packaging, and an update on current legislation around packaging and product.
The Live Packaging Workshop will be held at the Informa Markets offices, 240 Blackfriars Road, London and will be available to Products of Change members only. This ticketed event will have limited capacity, so companies and individuals are encouraged to register now.
Like last year’s Packaging Workshops, the event will be preceded by a one half-day virtual session led by Mike Swain as he introduces the basics and principles behind current global legislation and its impact on the packaging design sector.
The price of the Live Packaging Workshop will again also include a one-hour one-to-one consultancy follow-up with Mike Swain, Richard Coles, or James George.
Help your business become EPR prepared and sign up for the Products of Change Live Packaging Workshop today.