LEGO to host Policy Webinar update on The UN Plastic Treaty talks

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LEGO to host Policy Webinar update on The UN Plastic Treaty talks

The LEGO Group will be hosting a special webinar on the Products of Change platform next week, exploring issues and latest updates from a global policy perspective on plastics.

Louise Smith, the Environmental Policy Lead for the LEGO Group’s Government & Public Affairs team will be leading the session as she dives into the latest details from the recent United Nations Plastic Treaty talks held in Nairobi, Kenya.

The UN Plastic Treaty talks are an ongoing intergovernmental negotiation that aims to set binding agreements on plastic pollution and ocean plastic pollution.

The LEGO Group’s special Policy Webinar will update members of the Products of Change community on the latest details surrounding these negotiations and will take place on Wednesday, 20th March. Those wishing to attend can register their place here.

Having recently returned from Kenya where she attended the INC-3 talks (so-called for being the third round of discussions hosted by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee), Louise will be able to offer attendees an update on recent discussions as well as share an overview of the UN Plastic Treaty and what this means for business before opening the floor up to a Q&A with webinar attendees.

The global plastic pollution problem

Between November 13th and 17th 2023, negotiators from around the world gathered in Nairobi, Kenya for fresh talks over a landmark international treaty to combat plastic pollution. 

It is estimated that currently, out of the 430 million tonnes of plastic produced each year, around two-thirds is simply thrown away, polluting and damaging both the environment and the global food chain. 

According to the Executive Secretary of the INC Secretariat, Jyoti Mathu-Filipp, the impact of plastic pollution on ecosystems, climate, the economy, and human health costs the planet between $300 and $600bn a year. Meanwhile, the production of plastic is expected to double in the next 20 years is no action is taken. 

Discussing the solutions to global plastic pollution

Having convened for its third session, the INC focused its attentions on a so-called ‘zero draft’ of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution. The goal is to conclude negotiations by the end of 2024.

Negotiators gathered at INC-3 in Kenya to tackle a line-up of 12 subjects each addressing various aspects of plastic pollution, including sustainable production and consumption; the shift to a ‘circular plastic’ approach and more. 

The event marked the first ime such negotiations were entered with a draft proposal of the binding agreement on plastic pollution. The session will now feed into another round of draft discussions which is now scheduled for April 2024 in Canada.  

The UK dialogues brought together voices and perspectives from 46 organisations, including stakeholders from A Plastic Planet, Estée Lauder, Greenpeace, John Lewis & Partners, Mars Wrigley, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Unilever, and of course the LEGO Group.

The Products of Change community will be able to grasp a keen overview of the ongoing Plastic Treaty discussion at 4.30pm on Wednesday, 20 March by registering for the special, LEGO Group- hosted webinar here.

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